Time To Go Sailing In District 13!
Here we go, the D13 website is back and wrestled back from the Russians (or the Chinese, or the North Koreans, or whoever it was that hacked the link to redirect to the gay porn site).
Florida Masters Week and Open Midwinters East just concluded. But that doesn’t mean that D13 racing is over. It’s just getting started. There’s something for everyone…local fleet racing to “excellent adventures” to the World
Want to know what regattas are coming up? Go to www.laser.org and search the calendar for “District 13” events. You’ll see the regattas there. Couple of events to quickly mention, Laser Miami Fleet race March 12, another Miami Fleet race April 8, Melbourne Spring Regatta April 22 and 23, Treasure Coast Series Race Day May 20, Hugh Elliott Race in Tampa May 20, Sunshine State Games (you get a medal like the Olympics if you win) in Jensen Beach June 17 and 18, Treasure Coast Series Race Day July 15. Dude, that’s just a couple of the events going on!!!!
Oh yeah, the first adventure of the summer is D13 going to Atlantic Coast Champs in Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina on May 6 and 7. We’re packing our stuff up and heading to the Outer Banks to, first, surf our Lasers through Masonboro Inlet (brah, the waves just go on). Second, put the bow down and vang sheet like there’s no tomorrow in the Wrightsville seabreeze (seriously, there may be no tomorrow ’cause we’re gonna be sore after gnarly hiking all day). And third, cannonball into the East Coast surf culture that is Wrightsville. Zen, baby….zen.
Lots more summer adventures coming, Surf City, the Gorge, and Croatia, just to name a few.
Want to join the fun?…all you gotta do is rig up and join us on the line (or email gamedayparking@yahoo.com for more info).
Holy barracuda, just saw the sailflow forecast for the morning, 23 gusting to 28. I’m headed out…really wish the carbon top section was ready ’cause I’m most likely breaking the aluminum top when I punch the bow into the wave on the “oh boy” reach. Tow me back to shore if you see me with busted top please.