D13 Grand Prix Series

This year each District is going to host a district level Grand Prix that will be replacing the 2021 ILCA-NA Grand Prix Circuit.  The District Secretary organizes it and does the scoring.  Right now were identifying which regattas in our district will count toward the District Grand Prix.  You can expect that the District Championship and Open Midwinters East will be included at a minimum.  There will be others included also.  There is no entry fee for the Grand Prix, only the normal fee you pay for each event.   Also, you must be a member of the ILCA-NA to participate.
Prizing will be provided by the ILCA-NA, so they will be sending prizes to sailors after the series once the final scores are tabulated.  Winners will be announced at the end of the year in the class magazine and on social media following the last event.

The NOR went out by e-mail back on January 9th!  If you did not get it, e-mail the District Secretary at bgilcher@att.net for one. Then go sail as many of the included events as you can!